Delivering Quality

Bringing Science to Health & Beauty — We pursue a state in which people can live while having peace of mind in having safe products. At Magical, prior to releasing a product, at all stages of the product's development - from concept/idea all the way forward to material selection, manufacturing, commercialization, sale and delivery - we consider product safety and aspire to a higher standard. Hygienic conditions are, of course, essential, and we aim to make products that can be used reliably by customers.


Research and development → Careful selection of ingredients → Production

People are also changing their lives every day. We always are thinking about our customers, identifying things people are seeking, listening to customer feedback, and continuing our research, development, manufacturing and sales processes to be able to provide products that can be used with confidence. In order to protect our high quality standard, carefully selecting ingredients and materials that do not harm the skin or body is a priority, and we ensure products are manufactured in strictly controlled facilities. As one example: to ensure ingredient quality for our Hakkantou line of traditional Chinese herbal medicine, we went to the place of production to scrutinize the environment and the ingredients themselves, helping ensure the quality of each in its own route. And, we have the support of some of the best preparation and manufacturing facilities in Japan.

For the sake of beauty and health, we will continue to produce products with high pride and ambition.


Production → Packaging → Arranging delivery

Simply put, we cherish our products in the same way that we would adore our child. In order to each product reaches our customers' hands consistently and without issue, we follow each product carefully from packaging to delivery. We also adopt a bespoke order management system which ensures customers' personal information is securely managed and privacy is kept, thus responding to our customer needs as much as possible. We take responsibility for each item in every order we send out, with careful consideration given to our customers' feelings.


Customers ⇔ Magical ⇔ Product improvement

Our Customer Relations team was formed so that we can have direct communication with our customers. We handle a variety of customer questions and inquiries, and are happy to consult with customers when they have a comment or concern. We pride ourselves on our service level, and hope that whenever a customer takes time to reach out to us, that they were happy to have made contact.

We carefully listen to our customers' voices and naturally implement their feedback not only into employee trainings, but into the improvement of existing products and development of new ones.